The Benefits of Developing a Cyber Aware Workforce With Non-Traditional Training


Much has been made about the cybersecurity skills gap, and for good reason. There is a scarcity of cybersecurity professionals worldwide, which makes networks and those who depend on them—which is almost everyone—less safe. This is compounded by the fact that humans continue to be the weakest link in an organization’s cybersecurity posture. There is an insufficient number of professionals to keep networks secure, and there is a general lack of cybersecurity awareness by employees making basic mistakes that create greater cyber risk.

Clearly, employees need consistent, high-quality training on basic cybersecurity and cyber-awareness. One barrier, though, is that in today’s machine-speed business environment, it is difficult to break away from daily tasks to take part in traditional live or online training initiatives that require long blocks of time. Organizations need a new training paradigm that delivers appropriate content without disrupting business.

The Benefits of Non-Traditional Training

The traditional view of training is of people sitting in a classroom for several hours or days with an instructor or facilitator at the front of the…

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