The CISO’s Roadmap to Purposeful Vulnerability Management


The biggest cybersecurity problem plaguing organizations isn’t awareness of their vulnerabilities, it’s doing something about them.  

Security leaders are weighed down by enormous backlogs of unaddressed vulnerabilities. Without the proper tools and resources, these vulnerabilities go unpatched or unresolved, leaving the door open to cyberattacks. Case in point: For 57% of cyberattack victims, breaches could have been prevented by installing an available patch — and, significantly, 34% were aware of the vulnerability but had not taken any action simply because they wanted to avoid workflow disruptions. 

At the core of this problem is a traditional, reactive approach to plugging security holes combined with a shortage of resources, which has allowed vulnerabilities to proliferate faster than teams can keep up. Knowing you have a vulnerability is one thing; being able to effectively patch or remediate it is something else. To bring the spread of vulnerabilities under control, organizations need to adopt a strong approach to vulnerability management.  

Dynamic Vulnerability Management 

In today’s threat landscape, organizations cannot afford to be reactive. Blue teams…

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