The court arrested 100% of the shares of the Kiev machine-building plant “Bolshevik” » Metallurgprom


The State Bureau of Investigation is investigating criminal proceedings on possible abuse by officials of the State Property Fund of Ukraine during the privatization of the First Kiev Machine-Building Plant on October 27, 2021 (until 2018 the Bolshevik plant).

The court seized 100% of the shares of the First Kiev Machine-Building Plant (until 2018 the Bolshevik plant) as part of an investigation into the case of abuses in the privatization of the enterprise. reported about this on Thursday, the press service of the State Bureau of Investigation (SBI) of Ukraine.

“The State Bureau of Investigation is investigating criminal proceedings regarding the possible abuse of officials of the State Property Fund of Ukraine during the privatization of the First Kiev Machine-Building Plant on October 27, 2021. Now the investigators of the State Bureau of Investigation are establishing all the circumstances of the illegal alienation of the specified plant from state property at a reduced cost. This caused economic damage to state interests,” the message says.

An expert examination, notes the State Bureau of Investigation, found that the property valuation report used to determine the value of the…
