The delicate balance between priority and performance in cybersecurity – CSO


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Normally, security teams spend their days busily defending their organisation against vulnerabilities and malicious actors.

But the scale of the security threat against business is leading organisations to reconsider their traditional role. And desperate times often lead to desperate measures.

Komodo, a crypto platform, recently took that trend to a drastic conclusion. Upon discovering a vulnerability in their infrastructure, the team took the decision to hack their own system before an attacker could do the same thing. By hacking themselves, the company saved more than 8 million of its coins (valued at around $1.60 each).

While their quick thinking mitigated losses in this instance, looking at the wider security outlook underlines the job our industry have to do. 

The Australian organisational security landscape

To better understand the challenges modern organisations face, it’s important to have a strong snapshot of the modern security landscape.

The ubiquity of cyber-threats in the Australian corporate sector is…

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