The Human Firewall: How Employees Can Find Empowerment in the Fight Against Cybercrime


Bad actors continue to be just that — bad — but with the right prevention and mitigation strategies, insureds can put up a stout fight against cyber intrusions.

You’ve been hacked. It’s a sentence that can stop any organization dead in its tracks. And the potential of a breach has cemented itself as one
of the most devastating risks an organization could endure.

An estimated 2,200 cyberattacks occur each day, equivalent to one attack every 39 seconds. This surge in cybercrime carries an astronomical
price tag: Research estimates its costs at $10.5 trillion. And what makes the exposure of cybercrime so lethal is the evolving nature of how cybercriminals — the “bad actors” — operate to achieve their success and make a profit. Simply put, they’re very good at their jobs.

Luckily, as criminals and cyber bullies become experts in their field, so too have professionals in the insurance and risk management space.

Fine Tuning Their Methods

The threat of a cyberattack is nothing new for businesses, but there are trends and practices among cybercriminals that are worth…

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