The importance of critical thinking


Yesterday, I recorded a 15-minute video on whether we are doing our work without thinking.

Today, I am writing about whether leaders of the organization are making decisions without exercising their critical facilities – i.e., not thinking effectively.

Board Intelligence has shared an excellent article, How to turn critical thinking into a business superpower.

Please read it and think about what it says.

  • Have you mastered the art of critical thinking?
  • Do your leaders and decision-makers practice it?
  • Is there an unacceptable risk that decisions are made without effective thinking?

Here are a few excerpts, but please read the entire article.

Moving fast without thinking smartly, however, is a recipe for breaking things — as many corporate scandals and failures, from WeWork’s collapse to Boeing’s ongoing problems with the 737 MAX, have highlighted. In contrast, the world’s most enduringly successful companies have shown us that the secret to winning in the long term is great thinking — and lots of it. You can’t move fast, and in the right direction, if you don’t think first.

Critical thinking helps you spot risks and opportunities early. It helps you to understand problems properly before you start trying to solve them. It leads you to insights that might otherwise remain buried. It helps you…
