The latest information on fraud risk


For 13th years, the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) has shared with us the results of their annual survey, with the latest being Occupational Fraud 2024: A Report to the Nations.

I have been reading and commenting on their reports for years and you can find a few blog posts here using the Search function.

This year’s report is based on 1,921 fraud cases investigated by CFEs between January 2022 and September 2023, of which 38% were in the USA.

The ACFE broke the cases into three categories:

  • Asset theft or misuse represented 89% of the cases with a median loss of $120,000.
  • Corruption (bribery, purchasing or sales schemes, extortion, etc.) was involved in 48% of the cases, with a median loss of $200,000.
  • Financial statement frauds were only 5% but the median loss was $766,000.

38% of the cases had more than one of the above, with 35% of the cases involving both asset theft or misuse and corruption.

The ACFE found it interesting that less than 1% of the cases involved financial statement fraud alone.

The median duration of a fraud was 12 months, and the average loss per month was $9,900.

Internal controls can have a significant impact on reducing fraud risk. The ACFE reported that:

…four controls—surprise audits, financial statement audits, hotlines, and proactive data analysis—were…
