The Need for Real-Time Risk Management


As companies go through a digital transformation, they need to move toward real-time risk management – and artificial intelligence can play a critical role, says David Walter, vice president of RSA Archer.

Risk management techniques are changing dramatically, Walter says in an interview with Information Security Media Group.

“Traditionally, a risk assessment was done as a manual process,” he says. “It was very qualitative in nature. It would be done by questionnaires. … The pace of business today requires us to no longer have that mindset. … Business is moving too quickly. … So risk management, therefore, can’t be on the sidelines looking reactively in a manual way. It needs to be inline and embedded in the business. …”

Artificial intelligence can play a key role in automating risk management to provide a real-time view of risks, he contends.

Organizational Structure Shifts

Meanwhile, the organizational structure for security is shifting, Walter says.

“The CISO has traditionally been responsible for cybersecurity risk and has always reported into IT,” he notes. “Today, most often, I am seeing them…
