The Regulatory Storm Is Coming. Compliance Can Help Tech Leaders Batten Down the Hatches


The “move fast and break things” mentality that serves tech entrepreneurs well when they’re getting their companies off the ground can down the road run them into a very big brick wall: compliance. While some aspects of the tech sector remain something of an untamed frontier, there’s no doubt that at least when it comes to ESG, tech leaders need to take a different approach. Compliance adviser Stuart Breslow shares insights into how tech entrepreneurs can lead the way rather than playing catch-up.

Technology firms are increasingly in the field of vision of regulators and ESG investors, both being stakeholders with a strong interest in corporate governance. This growing trend should be a wake-up call to executives. 

To position themselves amidst intensified scrutiny, new economy players need to think — and act — differently. They can no longer play fast and loose. One part of their challenge now is to embrace an effective compliance regime without losing the entrepreneurial spirit that got them to where they are today. The good news for these companies is that it’s not too late. There is a window of opportunity to make the changes needed before change is forced upon them.

The libertarian instincts of tech leaders are well-known. Classically, they have been left alone to build digital…
