The Top 8 Cyber Threats Facing Manufacturers


Cyber threats are an all too common danger for companies in all sectors. Historically, the threat of cyber attack was thought to be largest against financial institutions, retail chains, and the medical sector. However, as manufacturing has become more reliant on data and technology, the threat of cyber attacks on the industry has grown. 

This means that all companies operating in the manufacturing sector should be aware of the cyber threats they face, such as ransomware, spyware, and adware, and should know how best to combat them. What follows are the the most common threats facing manufacturers today. 

1. Phishing

Phishing attacks involve tricking the recipient of an email or text into opening a link, providing hackers with an entry point into a secure network. These messages will appear to have been sent from within the company itself or from a trusted partner organization. The messages will often be meticulously created, using the correct terminology and imagery to appear official. 

Phishing remains one of the most prevalent cybersecurity threats, as it accounted for 85 percent of the threats to manufacturing businesses. Once a hacker has gained access to…

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