The Value Of Separating Compliance And Enterprise Cyber Security Goals


The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), a mandate from the European Union (EU), went into effect May 25, 2018. The regulation is comprehensive insofar as protecting data and information security practices at the enterprise level. Somewhat similar opt-out legislation, the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), went into effect January 1, 2020.

Those who are not compliant with these laws run the risk of receiving steep fines. To provide some background on the GDPR regulation, Cyber Security Hub created a market report offering end-user “best practices” and stack GDPR up against other international measures on compliance. Further, it provides insight on separating compliance measures and technical, security-driven events in the enterprise.

Cooperation Is Key To Data Privacy Transformation

While the GDPR reveals numerous challenges for multinational organizations, it underscores the importance of interdepartmental communication and cooperation.

Due to its broad scope, GDPR requires “complete transformation” within the organization. Data privacy and cyber security law expert Jamal Hartenstein said, “Cooperation and engagement of senior…

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