There’s No Silver Bullet for IoT Security

Ekarterina Khrustaleva - Immuniweb

ImmuniWeb, or High Tech Bridge, as the company was named before the recent rebranding is a top security firm in the world. Its COO, Ekaterina Khrustaleva, has agreed to give TechNadu an interview in which we discussed the current security risks we all face online, the abysmal security levels in IoT, ImmuniWeb’s work, and more.

Ekaterina Khrustaleva has been with ImmuniWeb for over nine years as a sales manager and has since climbed up the ladder before being appointed COO in 2013. In this time she has managed to amass quite a bit of knowledge of what it means to be a key player in the security world.

TechNadu: Let’s start with a bit of an introduction. Tell us something about yourself, ImmuniWeb and the products you’re proud of. 

Ekaterina Khrustaleva: First of all, I am proud of my team at ImmuniWeb. I started my executive career in cybersecurity almost ten years ago, notably in complex project management, and have a pleasure to work with dynamic, creative and erudite people at ImmuniWeb. We create the award-winning ImmuniWeb products for application security testing and risk scoring and deliver value, innovation, and excellence to our growing customer base. Since…

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