Third-party IoT risk management not a priority


With the proliferation of IoT devices used in organizations to support business, technology and operations innovation, respondents to an Ponemon Institute study were asked to evaluate their perception of IoT risks, the state of current third party risk management programs, and governance practices being employed to defend against IoT-related cyber attacks.

Has your organization experienced a data breach or cyber attack caused by unsecured IoT devices or applications in the past 12 months?

This year’s report uncovered an alarming number of respondents who believe their organization will suffer from a catastrophic IoT related attack in the next two years, and shows that many are not properly assessing for third party IoT risks and do not have an accurate inventory of IoT devices. Similar to last year, the report underscores a major disconnect when it comes to third party IoT risk management practices and reveals that many companies have fallen behind on the basics such as assigning accountability and managing inventory over IoT.

The report addresses uncertainties around who is responsible for managing and mitigating third party risks and reveals an over-reliance on…

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