This is how we secure smart cities – what leaders must consider

  • The smart city market is in hyper-growth: $189 billion will be spent worldwide on smart cities initiatives by 2023.
  • Smart cities rely on connections between systems, sensors and devices, but the more things that are connected, the greater the opportunity for cyberattackers to infiltrate.
  • Security by design and governance involving cyber-specialists are crucial to smart city initiatives.

The concept of “smart cities” – digital municipal systems that do everything from controlling traffic grids and ensuring water quality to promoting online voting and identifying sources of gunshots in far-flung neighbourhoods – is now commonplace. It’s an exciting, hyper-growth market segment: research indicates that a staggering $189 billion will be spent worldwide on smart cities initiatives by 2023.

More than half of global spending on smart cities projects is concentrated in three use cases: resilient energy infrastructure, data-driven public safety and intelligent transportation. Clearly, it’s easy to see the potential innovation still to be tapped for systems that improve how communities work, live and play. Game-changing smart…

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