Three-pillar strategy is a must for cyber defence


The volume, velocity and aggressiveness of cyber attackers continue to increase. As a result, it’s not a matter of ‘if’ an organisation will be attacked; rather, it’s a matter of ‘when’. In the new ‘digital normal’, traditional perimetre defence is no match against the influx of cyber threats coming from all directions. And because of this reality, organisations must become more active in defending against attackers. 

Cybersecurity needs to be viewed holistically by organisations. Organisations must develop their cybersecurity strategy comprising three significant pillars: security by design, defence in depth, and zero-trust.

Security by design (SbD)

Security by design is the origination point of a cyber-risk management process. A complete lifecycle consideration is a must in practical cybersecurity risk management. It is similar to the product development lifecycle, as it starts with an idea and ends with delivery and support. Security by design ensures that an organisation continually manages, monitors and maintains cybersecurity risk governance and management.

While any software/hardware/project is developed, the design considers cybersecurity. Security by design ensures…

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