Three Things that Need to Change in Cyber Security – CSO


Hardly a week goes by where there isn’t coverage of a major security breach in the media.  Organisations are spending more and more money on cyber security preventive measures yet the breaches seem to keep increasing. I am often asked “what are the top things that need to change to stem this flow?”.

I often hear security professionals and vendors talk about how great their products and offerings are in terms of speeds, feeds, throughput, etc.  Yet it is the business that spends money to acquire these technologies and services. Unfortunately what ends up happening is that the business does not quite understand what they are buying and why and as a result this investment can be misdirected.

 The first thing that needs to change is IT Security Professionals need to start relating their offerings to how it will support the business so that the business can understand the need and benefits of these investments and make them in a more informed manner.  A great example of this is all the digital transformation this is currently going on within organisations.  A lot of these initiatives are being driven by the business…

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