Tips to Stay Profitable in 2024


Staying profitable in 2024 could be a challenge for the agribusiness and food/beverage industries due to increases in insurance, labor and farm input costs. The labor shortage will also continue to be a factor. Proactively addressing risks and shoring up the right insurance coverage can help organizations address these challenges. Here’s how:

Offer Personalized Benefits

The labor shortage in the U.S. will continue in 2024 across the food, beverage and agriculture industry. Many organizations are struggling to hire new employees and maintain necessary staffing levels, which is impacting their ability to keep operations running smoothly.

The answer for many has been to harness automation, but this solution is not a cure-all. Some organizations have gone back to using traditional labor to address automation issues and reduce product defects, costs and issues with lower overall production.

Creative benefits solutions are one way to address the industry’s labor gap. Businesses that offer personalized benefits informed by data analytics are more likely to see better results in employee recruitment and retention. Personalized benefits programs are designed to provide quality employee…
