A recent report from CyberEdge revealed that 80% of organizations today suffer from a global shortfall in skilled IT security personnel. However, with research also showing that the global cost of cybercrime has now reached over $600 billion, the importance of organizations finding the right combination of people and technology to protect their data and detect threats is significantly on the increase.
The good news from the report is that “for the first time in five years, the percentage of respondents’ organizations affected by a successful cybertalk has decreased—from 79.2% to 77.2%.”
SEE: Information security policy template download (Tech Pro Research)
That’s progress, but the slight decrease emphasizes how important it is that security personnel remain nimble and forward-thinking to continue building the advantage over attackers.
Making the cut
To help tackle this need and address the security skills shortage, many organizations outsource their security to Managed Security Service Providers (MSSPs). However, as threats become more advanced and…