Here are the top 10 ethical hacking certifications to shape your career as a security professional
Ethical Hacking certification is a qualification obtained by evaluating the security of computer systems, using penetration testing methods. This certification qualifies an individual as a certified ethical hacker. It helps understand risks and vulnerabilities affecting the organizations on a daily basis. These ethical hacking certifications validate the technical skills as well as the understanding of the hacker about the responsibilities of the job
Ethical hacking is important because these days, it seems that hardly a week goes by without at least one report of a data breach, data stolen, etc. Ethical Hackers are security professional who uses the methods deployed by black hat hackers to penetrate into systems and identify vulnerabilities. Companies and governments are turning to ethical hackers to help strengthen security by finding vulnerabilities before malicious hackers can exploit them. This article mentioned the top 10 ethical hacking certifications.
Certified Ethical Hacking: CEH is one of the oldest, most popular, and superlative certification programs that can be provided…