Transforming Your IT Risk Management from Reactive to Proactive in 5 Steps


As a seasoned IT risk management professional, you already know that staying on top of security is a constant battle. Cyber attackers are constantly evolving their methods, there are more stringent data privacy regulations in place than ever before, and technology buyers are highly sensitized to the fact that their software vendors and service providers’ security flaws can leave their valuable data exposed.You don’t need anyone to tell you how important it is to take a disciplined, proactive approach to managing IT risks.  

You probably also know that managing IT risks proactively and consistently is incredibly difficult to do. In Hyperproof’s 2021 IT Benchmark Survey (completed by 1,029 IT security assurance/compliance professionals), we found that 65% of global tech companies are still managing IT risks in an ad-hoc way, in siloed departments, with disparate processes and multiple disconnected tools. 

Overcoming the Operations Gap 

In the survey, we specifically asked people, “When it comes to managing security and data privacy tasks arising from your internal environment, what tasks do you find to be tedious/take longer than you’d like?” And we found that…

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