Trucking industry ranks fifth among businesses for cyber threats


The trucking industry and its supply chain rank fifth among all businesses at risk of cybersecurity attacks as the number of possible threats against the transportation sector has grown 100-fold in just four years. 

Preparing for an attack is as important as mitigating the damage when it happens, said Sharon Reynolds, chief information security officer for Omnitracs.

Sharon Reynolds, chief information security officer for Omnitracs, said cyber threats against transportation companies have increased 100-fold since 2015. (Photo: Alan Adler/FreightWaves)

“The transportation sector was the second-most targeted industry in 2018,” she said during a panel discussion at the American Trucking Association’s Management Conference & Exhibition on October 6. The number of potentially suspicious events swelled from 800,000 in 2015 to 800 million in 2018.

Preparation, identification and assessment of vulnerabilities are the most important steps a company can take. Containing an attack needs to happen in minutes, not hours or days.

Twice hacked

Birmingham, Alabama-based J&M Tank Lines learned that lesson the hard way – twice. 

In April this year, the…

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