True cloud security requires in-depth understanding


As with most endeavours, incorporating security into the process as early as possible is essential when building or migrating to technologies such as the cloud. Whether you are beginning your journey of migrating key services to the cloud or launching a cloud-native evergreen project, involving security specialists with a deep understanding of the cloud security model is crucial. This ensures the successful implementation of a secure and robust system.

Shared responsibility model

If you are early in this process, as a technology leader, understanding the cloud shared responsibility model is crucial. There are elements of each of the services offered by the different cloud service providers (CSPs) which are their responsibility to monitor, defend and protect, such as physical infrastructure and access controls at data centres, resilient power backups, and the like. All of the things you’d typically expect a data centre to provide, the CSPs will provide, and then some, really well-tuned by virtue of operating at a truly massive scale.

Move away from metal

The challenge lies in the details required to make informed decisions on which services to use, considering factors…

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