Trump’s New Cyber Strategy Is Welcome. Don’t Corrupt It With Bailouts For Coal and Nukes.


Not since 2003 has the White House updated its strategy for cybersecurity.  The Administration deserves commendation for its National Cyber Strategy released in September that is built on four pillars:  defense, prosperity, peace & security; and American influence abroad. The strategy proposal was also well timed as prioritization our nation’s cybersecurity should be at the top of the agenda as we head into next week’s midterm elections. But while the Strategy recognizes cyberspace as an integral component of American life, economy, and defense, it notes that US public and private entities have not fully secured their systems.

America’s adversaries took advantage of the lull in US leadership in the past decade to increase the frequency and sophistication of attacks. After long last, the Executive Branch is taking much needed steps to ensure that the federal government gets its cybersecurity house in order by working with various industries to secure critical infrastructure, and strengthen American prosperity through a commitment to innovation and investment in a cybersecurity workforce and economy. The plan is solid and comprehensive, noting appropriate and separate…

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