TrustArc Guide for Implementing PIAs


More data means more privacy concerns; it’s time to analyze how your company uses personal data.

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Six Steps For Your Next Privacy Impact Assessment

A Guide for Structuring and Implementing PIAs

What’s in this whitepaper by TrustArc:

Does your organization know how it handles personal data?

As your organization grows, the amount of data it processes increases. And with more data and more data privacy laws, comes stronger enforcement for the mishandling of personal data, globally.

To avoid violating regulations, organizations must identify, assess and mitigate privacy risks for specific products, services or systems.

Take away insights for assessing the impact of data privacy in your organization with a privacy impact assessment (PIA):


  • Learn how to assemble a PIA team
  • Follow a six-step process for conducting a PIA
  • Know which standards to follow and data to include and analyze

The post TrustArc Guide for Implementing PIAs appeared first on Corporate Compliance Insights.
