Two Chairs of École polytechnique co-organise the ‘Cyr2fi’ conference on cyber risk


On 6 June 2024, the ‘Internet of Everything’ and ‘Stress-test, Risk management and Financial Steering’ Chairs of École polytechnique and ENSAE Paris co-organised the CyR2Fi (Cyber-risk and Cyber-resilience in Finance and Insurance) conference. This event, dedicated to cyber-risk in the financial sector, brought together academic experts, industry professionals and representatives of government institutions to discuss current and future challenges in cybersecurity.

The conference was introduced by Kees Van Der Beek, Director of Research at the École polytechnique and Vice-President Research at the Institut polytechnique de Paris. Emmanuel Gobet, professor at École polytechnique, researcher at the Center for Applied Mathematics (CMAP*) and scientific director of the “Stress-test, Risk management and Financial Steering” Chair supported by BNP Paribas and the Fondation de l’École polytechnique, whose research programme focuses on risk modelling, including cyber-risk, then presented his ambitions. Thomas Clausen, professor and researcher at the Computer Science Laboratory of the École Polytechnique (LIX**), introduced the “Internet of Everything” Chair that he heads,…

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