Two Woodlands Companies to Host Lunch Forum on Cybersecurity | Woodlands Online Blogs


On Friday, September 20, 2019 Tech Mahindra and Maxxsure will be hosting a cyber risk management lunch forum in The Woodlands featuring special guest speaker Paul Cunningham. Mr. Cunningham currently serves as Chief Information Security Officer with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and formerly served as CISO of the U.S. Department of Energy. Mr. Cunningham’s wealth of experience has earned him recognition as one of the world’s foremost experts on cybersecurity and cyber risk management. The knowledge and experience shared by Mr. Cunningham will stimulate conversation among attendees concerning the challenges of cyber risk management that faces many kinds of organizations. Following the presentation, attendees may participate in a facilitated discussion focused on solutions for attaining improved cyber resilience with greater efficiency.

This is the second of an ongoing series of events co-hosted by Tech Mahindra and Maxxsure. The companies have stated that the goal of these forums is to be a vehicle to promote their shared vision of removing fear, uncertainty, and doubt from the cyber risk management conversation. 

In keeping with this mission, the September 20…

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