UK Government Requests Views on Supply Chain Cybersecurity | Morgan Lewis – Tech & Sourcing


The United Kingdom’s Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport (DCMS) is requesting views on supply chain cybersecurity, which it will look to incorporate into its new National Cyber Security Strategy.

This follows a trend in increased focus on national cybersecurity (in particular in relation to supply chains), including President Joseph Biden’s executive order to improve the United States’ cybersecurity, which we covered in our earlier posts of June 1 and June 4.

Research by DCMS indicates that only 12% of organizations and 36% of large firms formally review cybersecurity risks coming from their immediate suppliers, and, even lower, only 5% address vulnerabilities in their wider supply chains.

UK Digital Infrastructure Minister Matt Warman claims that “[i]t’s essential organisations protect themselves and secure their mission critical supply chains” as they “cannot outsource risk.”

Due to the increasing movement of operations online, especially in light of COVID-19, cybersupply chains and third-party IT service providers are becoming even more essential to the continuation of numerous businesses. Cybercriminals may leverage vulnerabilities in…

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