UK Government Still Seeks Input on Data Storage and Processing Infrastructure, Security, and Resilience | Morgan Lewis – Tech & Sourcing


The UK Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport (DCMS) recently extended the deadline for responses to a policy paper issued on May 26, 2022, calling for views on UK data storage and processing infrastructure, security, and resilience (the Call for Views). The Call for Views invites contributions from data center operators, cloud platform providers, managed service providers, data center customers, security and equipment suppliers, and cybersecurity experts to better understand the risks associated with data storage and processing services.

In particular, DCMS is hoping to engage players who store or process data for multiple organizations, seeking input on what steps they are already taking to address concerns regarding the security and resilience of data center and cloud platform infrastructure. Based on the evidence received as part of the Call for Views, DCMS will decide whether any additional government support or other measures are required to minimize the risks currently facing data storage and processing infrastructure in the United Kingdom.

The Call for Views is set out in a questionnaire format and is broken into three sections.

Part 1: Risks to UK Data…

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