Undertaking Cyber Security Due Diligence in M&A Transactions

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“Undertaking a detailed evaluation of all IT systems and network endpoints in the target enterprise will be vital for enabling the M&A team to identify how to effectively operationalise the entire environment, post-M&A”

Mergers and acquisitions (M&As) offer firms significant opportunities to achieve fast-paced growth or gain competitive advantage, writes Anurag Kahol, CTO, Bitglass. The benefits on offer are wide-ranging. Everything from pooling resources, to diversifying product and service portfolios, entering new markets, and acquiring new technology or expertise.

Despite the recent global coronavirus pandemic, the enthusiasm of dealmakers appears undiminished.

Anurag Kahol, CTO, Bitglass on cyber security due diligence
Anurag Kahol, CTO, Bitglass

According to a recent survey, 86 percent of senior M&A decision-makers in a wide variety of sectors expect M&A activity to increase in their region in 2020 – with 50 percent expecting to do more deals if a downturn emerges.

Traditionally, M&A diligence has primarily been focused on finance, legal, business operations, and human resources.

However, swiftly, recognition is growing…

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