University of Fredericton Launches Cybersecurity MBA and Executive MBA Programs


FREDERICTON – The University of Fredericton’s Cybersecurity Leadership specialty stream will be available for those interested in working in leadership roles within the cybersecurity industry.

Cybersecurity jobs continue to become more and more in need and the program, run entirely online, will aim to fill a gap in leadership roles through its MBA and Executive MBA programs.

“UFred recognizes that our graduates will greatly benefit from a solid understanding of business operations and how cybersecurity can impact their business,” said Dr. Sheri McKillop, Vice President of Academics at UFred in a statement. “By completing an MBA with a specialty stream in Cybersecurity Leadership, graduates will be able to make business decisions that mitigate risks and protect their organization.”

The specialty stream will be offered with CYBERPRO Global, which provides cybersecurity and information security training programs globally.

“Organizations capitalize on implementing the appropriate cybersecurity strategies to ensure their data will be safeguarded,” said Yaniv Shahar, CEO of CYMPIRE, a leading provider of innovative solutions to build professional competency within…

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