Untangling supply chain bottlenecks with AI


Supply chains today find themselves on a rollercoaster ride through an obstacle course filled with unforeseen barriers. Between pinballing geopolitics, economic uncertainties, and now a lingering global pandemic, supply chain managers face a barrage of new challenges.

But the ingenious among them are beginning to deploy a new secret weapon – artificially intelligent assistants that promise enhanced resilience.

These AI tools are able to learn by accrued experience, discerning solutions and optimizations where overburdened humans cannot. As supply chain uncertainties continue to mount in these turbulent times, the corporations who leverage AI for sharper forecasting, rapid adaptation, and proactive risk mitigation will steal a critical march over their peers.

Corporate treasurers would do well to set their own AI assistants loose, allowing machine learning algorithms to illuminate weaknesses, bolster visibility, and suggest data-driven improvements across far-reaching supply chains.

Early AI adopters may enjoy outsized gains in operational excellence and cost efficiencies over competitors still relying solely on legacy tools and human…
