US Government IT Spending Trends in 2022


Progress in information technology (IT) has been key to transforming the way the private sector operates and revolutionizing how well it can service its clients.

For the past few years, federal government IT projects may cost hundreds of millions of dollars more than they should. It takes years longer to deploy than it should and deliver technologies that are already outdated even before finishing it. However, let’s look at how the IT spending trends takeover in the fiscal year 2022.

Federal government IT Spending

For the fiscal year 2022, the United States federal government has set aside around $58.44 million to support the information technology needs of civilian federal government agencies. The budget for the Department of Defense and other classified IT expenditures does not include in the 2022 budget projections.

Spending on cyber security is a significant part of the IT budget for the United States government. In 2021, cyber security will get an estimated 18.78 billion U.S. dollars in funding. Because of the sensitivity of their job, the Departments of Defense and Homeland Security have the highest budgets for cyber security among the government agencies.

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