Using AI to identify risks and protect business


Founded in 2014, Cyber Risk International was immediately successful in providing cyber security consultancy services to customers but quickly ran into a near insurmountable barrier to growth.

“I set up Cyber Risk International to assist organisations understand, mitigate and manage cyber risk,” says chief executive Paul C Dwyer. “It was successful straight away, and quickly achieved annual sales of over €1 million.”

But that was its outer limit. “We hit a glass wall because we couldn’t hire the right people,” says Dwyer. “We needed highly experienced people who understood not just cyber security and ICT but business as well. We were competing against the likes of Google and Facebook and just couldn’t get them. We were struggling to grow. I thought, if we had a piece of software that could fast track what we do we could get through that wall.”

The idea was to automate the services provided by Cyber Risk International.

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