VERIFY: Are older Androids not getting software updates leaving them open to cyber attacks?



Are older Androids not getting software updates leaving them open to cyber attacks?


Yes and yes.


Joshua Motta, CEO at Coalition, Inc.

Dan Ackerman, Section Editor at CNET

AV Test, Cyber Security Lab

Android Security 2017 Year in Review


It’s the same story told a million and one ways. We shell out the money for some shiny electronic do-dads and a few years later they go kerplunk.

Last summer, Apple announced it would not make the latest iOS (11 at the time) compatible with the iPhone5. Consumers complained in droves that Apple was behind ‘Planned Obsolescence,’ purposely slowing down our phones to the functionality of rocks.

Viewer William Ward from Germantown, Maryland was curious whether the same thing happened to his 4-year-ild Galaxy S5.

He asked Verify whether older Androids aren’t getting the latest software patches and whether that posed a security threat for the 2 billion phones out there.

To get answers we went to a cyber risk management provider, a cyber security testing lab in Germany, and a gadget guru expert. They all confirmed some older, cheaper androids don’t get every software update.

It comes down to which Android…

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