Viewpoint: A ransomware minefield | Business Insurance


Targeted ransomware attacks on two Las Vegas casino operators generated compelling headlines last month and signaled that the recent acceleration in cyberattacks appears to be here to stay — at least for now. The incidents are a reminder that not even an “Ocean’s Eleven” level of casino security is enough to stop businesses from being penetrated in today’s interconnected world. 

Cyber risks continue to be ranked as a “top risk” by various industry barometers. For example, cyber threats remained a top three concern for the ninth consecutive year among small, medium-sized and large businesses, according to a recent national survey conducted by Travelers Cos. Inc. But despite confidence that they’ve implemented best cyber practices, at least 25% of businesses have not taken essential steps such as installing a firewall or virus protection and implementing data backup and password updates, the survey found. A much larger percentage don’t use endpoint — that is, determining the devices being used — detection and response (64%), or use multifactor authentication for remote access (44%). 

Businesses are seeing both the frequency…

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