Visibility in Management: Navigating the Cybersecurity Landscape with Argo | Part II


Jerald Dawkins, PhD, Chief Technology Officer at CISO Global 

Imagine a world where combing siloed data reports is a thing of the past, freeing us to focus on risk management and actionable solutions rather than wrangling data...

In today’s threat landscape, organizations need to be highly attuned to matters of cybersecurity, beginning with executive leadership and extending throughout every level and branch of the business. Management may acknowledge the importance of cybersecurity, however there’s often a significant gap between acknowledging its importance and possessing the insights required to drive informed decision-making. Cyber resilience and risk mitigation are priorities for most executives. However, it’s disconcerting when I speak to executives who boast, “I have a team/someone that manages all that for me.” Such comments are glaring red flags.

Is Acknowledging Cybersecurity Enough?

Managing technology, and subsequently security, is akin to managing any other aspect of a business — it is not static but dynamic, influenced by daily activities, news events, or tasks. For example, in business there are bills to pay, contracts…

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