Visualize your Cybersecurity Risks with Apptega’s Risk Rating


At this point, it is no secret that with each passing day a comprehensive and updated cybersecurity program is becoming more and more essential for any organization. Although CISOs and IT workers across the globe recognize this, it remains an ongoing challenge to effectively measure and mitigate this risk given the evolving nature of today’s cyber atmosphere. As popular CSOonline writer Jon Oltsik put it,

“As enterprise cybersecurity defenses grow more difficult, cyber-attack offense can become correspondingly easier.”

Because of this, it is important that companies monitor these risk measures on an ongoing basis in order to keep up with the dynamic environment in place. Still, far too many companies continue to do so in a static manner. 

An Ongoing Organizational Struggle

IT website CSOonline recently conducted an interesting study in which 340 different cybersecurity professionals were asked to identify the top cyber risk management challenges they face within their various organizations. As the most common answer, 46% of survey respondents indicate they are challenged by continually measuring all cyber-risk across the IT infrastructure.  Even for experienced, well…

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