Want to Minimize the Pain From a Cyberattack? Get a Handle on Your Cyber Risk: Associations Now


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By Ernie Smith / Aug 12, 2019
(filo/DigitalVision Vectors/Getty Images Plus)

Attacks on your systems may be inevitable, but preparing for cyber risk ahead of time has its own rewards in the form of fewer headaches, according to a session at the 2019 ASAE Annual Meeting.

When a cyberattack happens, the problem can take a number of distinct forms and affect a variety of players.

It was a point emphasized in a session on cyber risk at the 2019 ASAE Annual Meeting & Exposition on Sunday, in which three of those players—an IT executive, an insurance official, and a lawyer—laid out potential areas for impact.

“The thing about cybersecurity and incidents is, it’s equal opportunity,” explained S. Keith Moulsdale, who…

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