Warning from your lawyer: Cyber security is also a legal challenge for your company


Anyone who wants to arm his or her company against cyber risks initially thinks of technical security. This is no surprise. Antivirus, firewalls, password managers, encryption software and countless other IT products and services effectively ensure a safer digital environment. Needless to say, they form the basis of any sound cyber security policy.

When we, as lawyers or legal experts, point out to companies that cyber security is also a legal issue in addition to all those technical measures, entrepreneurs are often very surprised. What on earth has a lawyer got to do with the cyber security of your company? That reaction is understandable, but also very unfortunate. After all, strong and specialised legal advice can and should play a key role in your cyber security strategy.

Of course, we have long been convinced of this ourselves, but you can also assume it from others, and not the least, such as the World Economic Forum.

Cyber security requires a 360° approach

The media do not lie. Every day you read about new cyber attacks on companies. Crypto-locker attacks attract the most attention, but in the meantime companies are just as often the victims of plain hacking and data…

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