Was The Cybersecurity Crystal Ball Cloudy Or Clear Two Years Ago?


Saryu Nayyar is CEO of Gurucul, a provider of behavioral security analytics technology and a recognized expert in cyber risk management.

Every year around this time, people feel compelled to make predictions about what will happen in cybersecurity in the year ahead. Such predictions amuse me. They are often based on trends that are heading faithfully in a specific direction or on a particular vendor’s long-term roadmap. In the latter case, the company is making investments in certain areas, so that’s where the “predictions” are. Nostradamus, they are not.

Let’s look back at what pundits saw in their crystal balls just two years ago to see how accurate they were. This could be fun. I’ve never “fact-checked” anyone’s prognostications before.

We’ll start with Security Magazine’s list from January 2021. Pascal Geenens and Daniel Smith listed 10 of their best guesses as to what would happen in cybersecurity that year. They started with a “gimme”—a prediction so obvious anyone could have made it. They claimed there would be an increase in attacks on “technologies facilitating remote work, such as email, VPN, and remote desktop (RDP).” Keep in…

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