Watch “AI Dangers and Governance – A Decision Perspective” On-Demand RISK-ACADEMY Blog


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Explore the evolving world of artificial intelligence with an online workshop designed specifically for risk managers, insurance brokers, risk consultants, and insurance managers: AI Dangers and Governance — A Decision Perspective. This workshop unpacks the complex landscape of AI governance, focusing on practical insights to help you navigate and address your risk management challenges effectively.

Meet the experts who will guide you through this intriguing subject. They bring a wealth of experience and knowledge, providing a decision-based approach to AI risks and legislation. Learn how AI influences decision-making processes and discover a new analytical lens to assess legislative responses from the EU, UK, and US. This valuable expertise will equip you to manage AI-related risks and implement effective strategies.

Ready to dive in? This workshop is available on demand, allowing you to access it at your convenience. No need to schedule a specific time — just click the link to start learning:

What will you gain? Participants will walk away with practical strategies applicable to their daily tasks. Understand AI risks in decision-making contexts and enhance your risk management practices. Explore how different legislative approaches can inform your strategies and solutions. This workshop emphasizes real-world applications to immediately upskill you and your team.

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With more than 20,000 professionals from over 120 countries having taken part in RISK AWARENESS workshops, the platform is recognized by FERMA as the Training and Education Program of the Year. Join this trusted community and gain insights that could transform your career and company.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to enhance your skills and update your methodologies. Secure your spot today by registering through the link provided. You’re just a few clicks away from transforming how you manage AI risks. Register now and empower yourself with knowledge! 🌍🚀

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