Home Cyber Risks WATCH: Highest risk for SA businesses are cyber attacks survey says

WATCH: Highest risk for SA businesses are cyber attacks survey says


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Cyber incidents (46 percent of responses) ranks as the most important business risk in South Africa.
Photo: Robinraj Premchand

DURBAN – Cyber incidents (46% of responses) ranks as the most important business risk in South Africa for the fourth time since the launch of survey in the country in 2016 and for the first time globally in the ninth Allianz Risk Barometer 2020, relegating perennial top peril at a global level, Business interruption (BI) (40% of responses) to second place. 

Cyber incidents ranked number one in 2016, 2017 and 2018 in South Africa. Awareness of the cyber threat has grown rapidly in recent years, driven by companies’ increasing reliance on data and IT systems and a number of high-profile incidents. Seven years ago, it ranked only 15th with just 6 percent of responses.


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Video by: Chelsea Lotz, Business Report Plus, BR+

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