WATCH: Managing risk with more sophisticated end-to-end workflows


Effective risk management is essential for senior treasury leaders. While the increasing demands of new data and reporting requirements have made it more challenging, technology can help treasury teams manage risk more effectively.

In The Global Treasurer’s latest instalment of the Future in Focus series, Agilent Technology’s Nita Baindur and Standard Chartered’s Anand Natarajan outline some of the major challenges impacting how treasury teams effectively manage risk.

To read the full discussion, please read the Q&A below:

How are treasury teams managing risk?

Nita: Treasury management involves managing a variety of risks, including foreign exchange risk, credit risk, interest rate risks, liquidity risk, and business operations risks.

To manage FX risk, Agilent Technology’s treasury department has three hedging programs in place: balance sheet hedging, cash flow hedging, and net investment hedging. Agilent manages interest rate risk d by using treasury locks or interest rate swaps.

To manage operational risk, Agilent takes out insurance coverages; this includes Cyber, Errors and Omissions, Directors’ & Officers liability, and Property & Business Interruption…

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