Ways to spot your organisation has a false sense of security – and what to do about it


Survey after survey shows us that cyberattacks continue to wreak havoc among the unprepared.

To select just one from many, The State of Ransomware 2022 from Sophos tells us that 66% of organisations surveyed were hit by a ransomware attack in 2021. That is a dramatic rise from 37% in 2020. This report also highlights the increasing cost of attacks, showing that in 2021, 11% of organisations said they paid ransoms of $1 million or more, while in 2020 the number paying that amount was 4%.

Global research we commissioned and published earlier this year sheds interesting findings on how organisations can improve their cyber resilience. We learned that many organisations have a false sense of security about their capabilities in relation to cyberattacks. Many stated that they thought the backup and recovery infrastructure they have in place is sufficient to make a complete recovery if attacked within 24-72 hours. But, when probed further, respondents expressed major concerns tied to cyber resilience in other areas. Let’s explore these areas of concerns and talk about risk mitigation as well.

Quality of alignment between the IT and SecOps teams

We tend to think of the security…

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