Home News Risk management WB, together with partners, launches a multi-peril risk assessment of natural disasters...

WB, together with partners, launches a multi-peril risk assessment of natural disasters in Central Asia


14:23, 1 февраля, 2021

The overall objective of the initiative is in strengthening Central Asian countries’ resilience to natural disasters and climate risks (illustrtraive photo).

In continuing efforts to reduce the adverse impacts of natural disasters in Central Asia, the World Bank, together with partners, is launching a unique initiative – a multi-peril risk assessment of natural disasters, including earthquakes, floods and selected landslides.

According to the World Bank, the initiative is being undertaken in close collaboration with the Almaty-based Center of Emergency Situations and Disaster Risk Reduction (CESDRR) and under the EU-Funded Strengthening Financial Resilience and Accelerating Risk Reduction (SFRARR) program, which is managed by the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR) and implemented by the World Bank.

The overall objective of the initiative is in strengthening Central Asian countries’ resilience to natural disasters and climate risks by enhancing financial resilience, risk identification capacity, and improved disaster risk management.

In order to improve the assessment’s methodology and scope, the World Bank…


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