WCI’s Cybersecurity Forum Could Be the Deal of a Lifetime


WCI’s Cybersecurity Forum Could Be the Deal of a Lifetime

We wrote about it last week. Cybercrime and cybersecurity. Beyond the immediacy of COVID, it is the topic that will define risk management for the 2020’s, yet many in the workers’ compensation industry have failed to appreciate the risk to their own lives and business operations. We offered a Hot Seat webinar on the topic a few weeks ago, and I am very sorry to say that it was the most poorly attended Hot Seat we’ve done. Hands down – not even close to other HS episodes on different topics. The interest just did not seem to be there, and the feeling appears to be that cyber threats are something that happen to “other people.” Trust me, as indicated in last week’s missive, cyber threats are real, and the wrong time to educate yourself about what to do is after you’ve had a critical incident.

The Workers’ Compensation Institute is producing a Virtual Cybersecurity Forum this week that many of us would benefit from attending. It is scheduled for September 16 & 17, 2020. They have an excellent agenda lined up, and the speaker list is most impressive. With a registration cost of only $49, when…

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