Weather and Climate Information Services Early Warning for Southern Africa (WISER- EWSA)


The WISER-EWSA team of meteorologists, academics, economists, and user engagement specialists from South Africa, Zambia, Mozambique and the United Kingdom will work with Disaster Risk Management Agencies and non-governmental organizations, focusing on women and people with disabilities to reduce disaster risk through the co-production of new weather information services and early warnings. Working with people living in cities, including disadvantaged groups (such as women and people with disabilities) we can help to ensure that everyone receives these warnings, and knows what action to take, to reduce the risk of negative impacts. Adding to a growing range of weather and climate information services, nowcasting technology has recently been applied to early warning in other parts of Africa and beyond but this is the first project to do this in southern Africa. We will work directly with communities in Lusaka (Zambia), Maputo (Mozambique) and Katlehong (South Africa).


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