Weather, Climate, Marine and Hydrological Services: SERCOM-3 Day 3


Discussions kicked off with approvals of key decisions and reports of the President and the chairpersons of the various SERCOM Standing Committees. It emerged that some topics require more time for in-depth discussion – e.g. contribution of SERCOM to the Early Warnings for All initiative and the role of WMO in providing authoritative, coordinated, and regular information on the El Nino/La Nina phenomenon – since such information is essential not only for Members but also for other United Nations and humanitarian agencies. 

A significant part of the day was dedicated to discussing the process for electing the next generation of SERCOM leadership: in an increasingly globalized and digital world, hybrid events are becoming common, allowing broader Members’ participation while reducing the carbon footprint. Consequently, the election modalities must evolve, requiring the organization to adapt to new circumstances. Delegates and the WMO Secretariat worked actively and constructively towards a solution, aiming to conclude the voting by the end of the SERCOM session. 

A recurring theme during the day was the vital role of regional structures such as Regional Associations, Tropical Cyclone…
