Web Application Firewall Goes Hybrid to Amp Up DDoS Defenses


While accelerating digitization creates new opportunities for businesses across industries to engage with customers, this increasing reliance on websites and applications gives bad actors more opportunities to strike. A well-timed DDoS attack can bring an organization to its knees. Randy D’Souza, director of product management at Neustar Security Services, explains how a hybrid web application firewall (WAF) can be instrumental in efforts to mitigate escalating cyber risks.

The best-laid schemes tend to have one thing in common: a reliable backup plan. For cybersecurity professionals, incorporating defense in depth across a wide variety of tech and data is mainly second nature by this point. The acceleration of life online has introduced new opportunities and efficiencies across industries, but it has been a double-edged sword in some sense as the increase in functionality of websites, applications, and their management interfaces has resulted in a corresponding increase in attack surfaces and has accelerated opportunities for bad actors to find and exploit vulnerabilities. The DDoS threat alone can be enough to bring organizations to their knees but…

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