What Boards Can Do to Prepare for Crises


Executive Summary

Complex, fast-moving threats to organizations can happen at any time. Disruptions from severe weather events, to cyber-attacks, to active shooter incidents can strike from outside, and there is no shortage of self-inflicted internal jeopardies. When companies seem ill-prepared in the face of a crisis, the first question people ask typically is, “Where was top management?” It is quickly followed by, “Where was the board?” To assure rapid, capable response to crises and reduce toxic fallout, management and boards should pursue two strategies: The first is to ensure that the company is prepared to handle the likely threats it could face; the second is to prepare the board itself to act, if needed. Among the risk management strategies boards should assure are in place are having well-trained emergency management teams at the local level, complemented by regional and corporate crisis management teams.

Andy Roberts/Getty Images

Complex, fast-moving threats to organizations can happen at any time. Disruptions from severe weather events, to cyber-attacks, to active shooter incidents can strike from outside, and there is no…

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